Monday, September 21, 2009


First night in Rosario, Argentina. Lauren and me took a really nice, comfortable bus this afternoon from Buenos Aires to the city of Rosario ( 4 hours North). It was nice to get out of the city and see the vast green landscape, where cows and horses grazed freely for once. We got in around 6:30pm to the Che Pampas Hostel, located downtown. It has a really cool laid back atmosphere, paintings of Bob Marley, Che Guevara and the Rolling Stones line the hallways. One of our new roommates, Andy, a film production assistant from London, joined us on our trek to dinner. We walked about twenty minutes on the boardwalk along the river Prana, which was full of people and live music as today is the official first day of Spring and it is widely celebrated throughout the city. Dinner was eaten at the a restaurant called Flora and we each had the famous Argentine steak and Malbec wine for dinner. After dinner, we walked through the city back to our hostel with a quick stop at the supermarket for more wine and some ice cream : )
At first arrival, I thought of Rosario as another Montevideo, a small town lacking the liveliness of the city. I am very much a city person, so this makes me nervous. But walking at night, I realized it wasn't so boring and probably has more than I thought to offer. Lauren on the other hand was more than excited, as we are opposites and she likes smaller towns with more opportunities to explore nature. I'm not going to write off this city yet, we still have tomorrow haha....anyways, we were all tired from the long drive so we ended the night by staying in and lounging in the really cool tv room to watching Meet the Parents on a massive screen projector, while our hostel host is partying in the Bar area with her local friends. It's a nice change of pace from the fast life in BA though I have to admit.
Tomorrow, we'll explore and I'll get back to you on my thoughts of this city once I have a full day to enjoy it.

Buenas Noches!

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